Wednesday, May 15, 2013

(The Laughing Poem) Love by Rachael Jones

Some say “its love at first sight”
Others say “love grows with time”
Love needs to grow and prosper
To bloom in the time of spring
We were told
“Don’t fall in love with your poems”
So I guess
Don’t love your baby in womb
They need to grow and develop.
Your poem is your unborn baby,
You are filled with excitement
Then the sickness sets in.
Nights of sleep gone and wasted
Don’t count on having your mornings
You have o finish your baby.
Some babies are late bloomers,
Coming into the world
Minutes before t due date.
With the misspelled words
And mistaken punctuation.
Don’t be that parent,
Don’t allow your child
To roam naked, free as a bird. 

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