Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Green Protector by Rachael Jones and Nicole Busch

A child asks, what is the grass?
Is it a protective layer for those underground?
Is it a blanket, a shield?
Think of it as a green sword, protecting,
Sacrificing it’s self for the greater cause.
Thee pawn must go first in all games of chess.
Just a noble knight fighting for what he believes in.
Lancelot, a knight in shining armor,
Using his green blade to protect his noteworthy kingdom.
Grass my child, is something you play with,
Something you can make a greater cause with.
Grass my child, is noble.

Is grass just a protector?
Or is he shielding something that needs to be seen?
For all things that can be seen, need to be heard.

Seeing is believing, but hearing,
Once you hear the world underneath
Your eyes will never need to be found.
Close your eyes, take a deep breathe,
Pretend you have a green sword to fight,
To protect, to stand for what is right.

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