Thursday, May 2, 2013

Past into Present by Rachael Jones

The sun rising
Over the mountains,
Black eyes and blue tears
Leave their story untold.
But the fierce pain
Shows its ugly purple
Darkening marks.

            My face is covered
            With the remains of the night
            I left when the sun
            Started to rise
            Over the mountains.
            I didn’t take the car,
            Whatever my back
            Could hold and carry.

                        My feet ached as I walked
                        Miles upon miles,
                        Not accepting rides,
                        Leaving no trail
                        Except my foot prints.

            The sun ignited
            The flames of the past,
            Burning the house
            Which I called home.

                         A new beginning
                        With the present unknown.

Walking miles of
Darkness, the morning
Sun warming my back,
I now climb the mountain.

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