Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Speeches By Rachael Jones

My officer coach said: Don’t think, just speak,
Don't recite what’s on the paper, just talk,
Inspire, motivate, and tell your story.

Water rushing over rocks, the words flow
Down and out. The path of least resistance,
Choosing the easier words to pronounce.
Not to stumble and not to drown in words.

Coach said: the river is calm, make it fast.
Currents strong enough to cut diamonds,
Faster, farther and farther and faster
Shaping the land, making its bed for years
It will never sleep, job never complete
Running until it will run out of room.
Infinite number of turns, repeating
Telling and executing its story.

Coach said: It needs life, make it have purpose.
Rocks damming the leisurely flowing stream
It’s not a river if it doesn't flow,
Flowing with a purpose, providing hope
To who is ever in need. Giving life
And meaning to those unexpectedly.
Flowing after the scorching summer drought

Coach asked: how does it handle obstacles?
Pebbles tossed aside with little effort.
With force and power, we over turn rocks.
Bricks and buildings slow, timely destruction.
Nor can a mountain resist its message.

Don't think, be a river that flows freely.
Have purpose and inspire with your message,
Make a path to flow with and for others.

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