Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How Do I by Rachael Jones

How do I know what you’re talking about?
When you ask what’s the square root of twenty,
When I am four and cannot count that high
But taking the square root you get smaller.
Smaller because the boulder gets broken
Into smaller pieces, rocks and pebbles.
Pebbles, deliciously sweet and fruity
Crunchy and munchy changing my tongue color.
Mommy makes me eat those nasty green things,
With the smell of dirty socks and dog poo
The look and taste of wet leaves, gross spinach.
If I eat them all, I get a cool prize
Like my tools that match dad's tools, just the same!
Our boots pants and shirts, even our haircuts.
Cut sister's hair, you will be in trouble
I like finding pictures on the wall while
I stand in the corner cause I was bad.
I dream of knights and castles, princess too,
I save her and ride my horse to safety
After I hit the dragon with my sword.
I asked for a real sword for my birthday
Mommy says it’s too sharp and I can't though
But that's okay, cause Santa will bring it.
I get to meet the Easter Bunny soon
Right after church, I hate wearing my tie
Do you understand me? What I'm saying?
It's okay if you don't, most people won't.
My mind races super-fast like NASCAR
I'm gonna win that race, I know I will.
I'm only four my mind will surely change.

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