Thursday, May 9, 2013

May by Dan-Vy Nguyen

May by Dan-Vy Nguyen

If October is like an augmented 7th chord,
Then May is like a major chord.
If October is like playing in Gb,
Then May is like playing in C.

Earlier today I drove down a curved road,
Surrounded by tall, evergreen trees.
I sped past a cyclist
Going 80 when I should have been going 60.
I have the windows rolled down,
Enjoying the cool air.
I have the music blasting,
Singing at the top of my lungs.
Though the sun can’t be seen through the trees,
The air is warm for the first time
After a long, cold winter.
Earlier today I drove down a curved road,
Doing something I have never done before.
I drove with nowhere to go,
With no purpose, I drove.

And this too is faithful,
With a stone cross tombstone.
And the sun piercing through the fog
Towards the cross.
He is ready for me.
He has been waiting for me
He is coming to take me in His arms.
Everything He’s thrown my way
Was to bring me closer to this moment.
Where all I will know is His love,
Where I lose all sense of time,
Where I can watch over the ones
I’ve left behind.
He’s brought me to meet our loving Mother,
With her gentile and caring eyes,
Comforting hands,
Wrapped in a light blue veil.

Once in a dream
I could not breathe.
There was no one around,
I was all alone.
I was enclosed in a body of water,
Feeling the oxygen,
Getting sucked out of my lungs.
Once in a dream,
I could not breathe,
I was drowning.
Only, this wasn’t a dream.

I never thought life could be this lonely.
Sitting alone watching everyone else have fun,
Sitting alone wishing I could have fun,
Always getting left beind,
Always being forgotten,
Questioning what it is
That makes me so forgettable,
Where no one notices I’m alone.

Believe me, what happed next
I didn’t expect.
A tear rolled downhis face
As he curls up naked in the corner.
I could see through his tall, touch exterior,
To see a sensitive heart.

The worst thing you ever said to me was
We’ve been friends for so long,
Yet you still can’t tell when something’s wrong,
When I’m hurting.

These days I feel like
You’re pulling me up towards You.
You’ve seen and felt my pain

You’ve come down to rescue me.
Protecting me, shielding me,
From the cruel world.

I’m putting You first.
It should have always been You,
Though it took me so long to realize it.
I’m giving You all of me.
Letting everything I do
Glorify You.

Once in October
I was standing In the middle of the stadium.
Feeling the lights shine down on me.
With the crowd’s eyes on me,
Feeling the power in my hands.

But it’s not October, it’s May.
Where evergreen trees blend in,
Where everyone is lasting music,
Laying out in the sun,
On a grass field,
In the middle of nowhere.
May is the start of the piercing hot sun,
As we anxiously wait for summer.
My is the month of our gentle,
Comforting Mother.
May is where I feel the most alone,
Watching myself being forgotten.
I hide behind a tough exterior,
Until the day You rescued me.
The day You began to carry me,
The day You brought me to You.

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