Sunday, May 5, 2013

Loss by Kimberly Stutevoss and Partner

Loss by Kimberly Stutevoss and Partner

All the new thinking is about loss
We lose things everyday
Last week I lost my mail key
But of course, there are more important things

Where do things go
When they are lost?
Do they chose not to be found?
Do they exist at all,
When we don't know where they are?

The mail key, I'm sure, must be
In a certain place
When it is lost
But what about the soul of a dead person?
The body is left behind,
But what about their personality?
Where does it go?

I think to think
The soul travels around
Until it finds a new body to move in to
Just as we do with our houses
Looking for newborns
That they can corrupt and manipulate
Until the cycle begins again
It sounds tiring if you ask me.

Constantly losing your home.
But if the new thinking is about loss,
What was the old thinking about?
Certainly not gain
At least I hope not...

Loss seems to be selfless
Where gain is selfish.
What is wrong thinking about loss?
Doesn't absence make the heart grow fonder?
I know I've grown fonder for my mail key

So many letters and bills
That I have lost
But they aren't completely lost
Just stuck,
In the mail box
Until my key decides it wants to be found

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