Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cheesin' (Imitation #4) Levi Kyllo

Oh my lanta, this feeling is too much
To bear all alone, he's got to tell her.
Walking up to her door he remembers
All the times they've spent together.
Since fifth grade he's had his sights on her.
Sixth grade. His feelings began.
Always together, never wanting to
Be apart. He would look forward
To walking her home after school every
Day, hoping he could steal a kiss from her.
Just one. The year passes with no such luck.
Seventh grade. He moved out of state, leaving
Both of them devistated.
No phone or internet to keep in touch,
He just about gave up.
What's the point?
Eight grade. They got back in touch.
Friendship still strong, no setbacks.
High school rolls around, can they date?
Best friends don't do that, that's a rule.
Repressing himself, all he has to say,
In hopes that this is just a silly phase.
College is here, feelings just keep growing.
He's going wild. Can't eat, can't function.
Can't kick her out of his mind, she's glued.
He's got to go find her.
Catch a plane one hour later. Phoenix.
That's where he's headed.
Off the plane, half way there.
Call a cab, this is really happening.
Open the taxi door, this is it.
Thirty feet from her door, can't help but smile.
He walks up to the entrance and knocks twice.
Heart sweating, brain stupidly in awe.
The knob turns, door creeks open, her lips shine.
Two kids staring in awe, smiling.

Soon, O Ianthe! Life is O'er

Soon, O Ianthe! life is o’er,
And sooner beauty’s heavenly smile:
Grant only (and I ask no more),
Let love remain that little while.

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