Thursday, May 9, 2013

Boulders by Chad Lahr (Imitation #6)

Disassembled words like boulders falling
heavy. Thundering erosion of cliffs
tumble down the page to a graphite pile
where they are meant to be with no meaning.
Chip and break my little stony friends, my
broken lead to splinter and shear within
my hand. Carve out the perfect semantic;
riprap for the wall I build up against
the tide and the onslaught of words coming
to grind down my stanzas. Straining keystone;
hold your ground between the lines of parchment.
Rearrange and reconstruct, it would not
last through a winter storm, but because I
write it for you, this can be your refuge.
By daily language and conversation,
meanings tumble like stones in the surf with
no home, as they lose their edge rolling through
years of sand. Here they take a stand, among
the fibers, some darker than others, and
through metaphor say precisely what I
want if not what I meant. Finding their way
into the construction of your harbor,
bits of jagged rock; purpose in mortar.
So take your boulders, let us wear them down
to manageable size, a place for them
we will find. Pitted, broken walls will stand
once again, solid. Let me build a book
of lines that I wrote, woven to hold you
in an embrace of pebbles and lyrics.
These broken boulders are your building blocks.


Lay down these words
Before your mind like rocks.
             placed solid, by hands  
In choice of place, set
Before the body of the mind
             in space and time:
Solidity of bark, leaf, or wall
             riprap of things:
Cobble of milky way,
             straying planets,
These poems, people,
             lost ponies with
Dragging saddles—
             and rocky sure-foot trails.  
The worlds like an endless  
Game of Go.
             ants and pebbles
In the thin loam, each rock a word  
             a creek-washed stone
Granite: ingrained
             with torment of fire and weight  
Crystal and sediment linked hot
             all change, in thoughts,  
As well as things.

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