Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Woman Said to the Universe By Amber Rose

A woman said to the universes
How do I know that I really exist
How do I know that up is really up
How do I know down is actually down
Who makes up words and who makes up the sounds
Who created the stars in the night sky
Who created you if you made all this  
Why does the sun go down and moon come up
Why do the birds fly south for the Winter
 Why do hearts have to break and people die
When do you decide it’s time for morning
When does this world get to meet it’s maker
When will peace overcome all the evil
What made you decide to make the spiders
What was the reason for different races
What was the point of cancer and illness
Where did all of the stuff you made come from
Where did you yourself the maker come from
Where was I in the blueprint had made
All of these questions flutter through my head
No answers seem clear no response from you
Who did you come from how did you get here
What made you think of this why do we think
Where does the end take us when do we know
All of these questions flutter through my head
No answers seem clear no response from you
Sometimes everything seems to fit tranquil
Other times seems like wrong puzzle pieces
A woman said to the universes
How do I know that I really exist


A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!"
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
“A sense of obligation.”

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