Monday, May 20, 2013

A Flurry of Scrambled Eggs by Megan Windom

A Flurry of Scrambled Eggs by Megan Windom

His hand met her cheek in
A gentle embrace,
His thumb free to map out
The contours of her face.
They fell easily
Into a rhythm
Alternating tickle fights with fits
Of peaceful tenderness.
They listened through
The open window for the crunch
Of gravel that never came.
They whispered fragile threads
Of childhood memories,
Propped up on their elbows
As the sky outside darkened.
Though the night was spent
In sleepless tossing,
The feel of her soft hair
Running through his fingers
And their mutual gravitation
Brought the morning
In a flurry of scrambled eggs
And lingering goodbyes.


O Best of All Nights, Return and Return Again by James Laughlin

How she let her long hair down over her shoulders, making a love cave around her face. Return and return again.
How when the lamplight was lowered she pressed against him, twining her fingers in his. Return and return again.
How their legs swam together like dolphins and their toes played like little tunnies. Return and return again.
How she sat beside him cross-legged, telling him stories of her childhood. Return and return again.
How she closed her eyes when his were open, how they breathed together, breathing each other. Return and return again.
How they fell into slumber, their bodies curled together like two spoons. Return and return again.
How they went together to Otherwhere, the fairest land they had ever seen. Return and return again.
O best of all nights, return and return again.

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