Monday, May 6, 2013

What is the grass? (Partner poem)

A child asks, what is the grass?
Where does it come from?
What does it mean? The
Innocence of a child, unknowing
What feeds it with life.
The child’s mother explain,
Grass is the earth’s carpet,
It’s deep plush rug, its own
Blanket for when it’s cold.
Not bound by time, never growing old,
The borders expanding until cut short,
Nothing is impossible, reaching for the sky,
Green, brown, yellow. Color.
The colors of the sky
Washed out by the uniform
Precise green of the grass,
And so the child asks,
“Why is the grass green?”
A reflection of the sky.
“But the sky is blue.”
Is the sky blue, or is that
All that you see? Waves
Of color, the best color left vibrant.

Waves of color become real waves,
My gaze drifting down to a
Beach on which I stand.
Waves of blue sky meet the ocean
Waves, crashing to the end.
Where they meet at the edge
Of what is real and what is not,
White waves, crash to mist,

Float up to the clouds that
Billow like a smoke stack.
These two waves of blue,
Are one in the same.
These waves before me,
Create the scene In front of me.

Up in the air, the color creates
Life, all that we see,
But now until we close our eyes,
Is it to be alive for the first time.

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