Monday, May 20, 2013

The Reason by Whitney Osburn

The Reason by Whitney Osburn

My life is lovely,
                Or so I thought,
                Until someone came along,
                And taught me a lot,

                Loving can be such a risk,
                To fall so hard and then get pissed,
                You feel so happy and get so mad,
                It’s like your loving and don’t understand,

It is because I fell in love,
That today I sit here broken.

The Reason-By Stevie Smith
My life is vile
I hate it so
I’ll wait awhile
And then I’ll go.
Why wait at all?
Hope springs alive,
Good may befall
I yet may thrive.
It is because I can’t make up my mind
If God is good, impotent or unkind.

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