Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Human Bondage of Atlas Underwater- by Heidi Curtis

The Human Bondage of Atlas Underwater

Amputees, banned from reassurance cry
Salamander, unicorn spectacle.
seals exhale, crabs detonate, exit.

Remember vandal suspects seize and drool
after lavender herb salad is burnt.

Atlas in his niche, his pension is bare.
The vendor drops us like fleas to ramble.
obedient, Atlas holds the world safe

To fly would please him, to turn with the flutes
to study Botany and the termites.

Holding, his assurance rating wavers
Why does he hold the bunt of the labor?
He wouldn't had he been a nerd or runt.

 But underwater he crouches keeping
Bambi and his friends from their extinction
He shares this load with nobody, shelves stacked
higher and higher with every birth.

Pleasure floods him and he merits a smile
El Salvador, urban areas live
He sees a woman pull out a burnt bun
He sees suspicious characters vanish
He sees teens drink carbonated soft drinks

All unaware of his Godly presence

His amber extremities are shackled
to the world that he's enslaved to protect
No "for sale" sign on this his large burden

He was lead here without false pretenses
So he sits waiting for an end to come
All his status and all his glory... even

God's feel bondage of human condition.

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