Sunday, May 12, 2013

Imitation 3 By Natalie Frenette

This Most Perfect Hill
By Lisa Jarnot

On this most perfect hill
with these most perfect dogs
are these most perfect people
and this most perfect fog
In this most perfect fog
that is the middle of the sea
inside the perfect middle of
the things inside that swing
In this most perfect rhyme
that takes up what it sees,
with perfect shelter from the
rain as perfect as can be,
In this most perfect day
at the apex of the sun
runs this most perfect
frog song that is roiling
from the mud
In these most perfect habits
of the waving of the trees,
through this imperfect language
rides a perfect brilliancy.

Imitation 3
The Most Perfect Day
By Natalie Frenette

On this most perfect day with all my friends
Listening to the most perfect music
Eating the most perfect picnic lunch, ever.
The most perfect food on this summer day
The warmth of the sun, most perfect this way.
The most perfect life that could ever be
How lucky am I to claim it for me.
The most perfect trees, surrounding our lunch
Wind slightly blowing the most perfect breeze.
The kind of wind blowing over the seas.
The most perfect birds flying overhead
Flying back home to put babies to bed.
The most perfect sunset coming down fast,
The most perfect time to sit and relax.
Perfectly perfect is this whole long day
I wish it could always just stay this way.
Although it is dark, the most perfect fire,
Bestows all it’s warmth and most perfect glow.
The most perfect moonlight shines over seas
Lighting the beaches so that we can see.
This most perfect day, is now perfect night.
The most perfect week, the making in sight.
Enjoying this moment, most perfect one.
24The most perfect day is finally done.
The most perfect fun I’ve had in a while.
The most perfect friends, so lucky to have
The most perfect life, not perfect at all
But that’s what’s so perfect about it all.
Not knowing what’s next is something I like
The most perfect life catches by surprise.

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