Monday, May 13, 2013

Homesick by Kimberly Coverly

Homesick by Kimberly Coverly

I asked myself,
How do I convince her to let me come home?
Do I write a long email or pick up the phone?

I have not told her how I feel,
Do I explain it calmly or with emotion?
Will she let me come home to that town on the ocean?

I can see her now,
Will laughter or tears ensue?
Should I explain that this is long overdue?

Yet I don’t know,
Do I want to come home at all?
Or am I happy here where they have seasons like Fall?

Pull it together, only five weeks left.
How much longer can I keep wound tight?
One day I will burst, and see the bright light.


Poem of the Day: [I asked myself / What, Sappho, can...]
Posted: Thu, 02 May 2013 00:00:00 -0600
I asked myself
What, Sappho, can
you give one who
has everything,
like Aphrodite?

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