Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dream Fugitive by Kathleen Fellows

I dreamed that I was running,
unusual for my lazy thoughts.
I was escaping an army woman,
usual for my progressive thoughts.

I stumbled into a friend’s house,
a long distant one nestled in England.
I finally got to see his round face
looking cozy in his own quarters.

I spent time talking with him
but knew it wouldn’t last.
I was a fugitive in his country
and his mother offered the honors
to kill me before the military.

She held up a rifle and shot,
reluctant to be the one.
Her face blurred into white and red.

I was relieved and felt promised
that I would not fear again.

I Dreamed That I Was Old by Stanley Kunitz

I dreamed that I was old: in stale declension  
Fallen from my prime, when company
Was mine, cat-nimbleness, and green invention,  
Before time took my leafy hours away.

My wisdom, ripe with body’s ruin, found  
Itself tart recompense for what was lost
In false exchange: since wisdom in the ground  
Has no apocalypse or pentecost.

I wept for my youth, sweet passionate young thought,
And cozy women dead that by my side  
Once lay: I wept with bitter longing, not  
Remembering how in my youth I cried.

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