Monday, April 15, 2013

Corrupt Day by Kimberly Coverly

Corrupt Day by Kimberly Coverly

On this most corrupt day, there is no sun,
Corrupt people go unseen through the night,
With corrupt plans to ruin the darkness,
With their corrupt form of brilliant light.

In this most corrupt world they go unseen,
Hiding behind hideous corrupt masks,
They scamper about and no one dares ask,
Their corrupt ideas or their corrupt tasks.

In this corrupt rhyme you will find my point.
They see no reason for me to go on,
So they corrupt me and watch me explode.
And this gives them joy when they wake at dawn.

While everyone cries at their corrupt plan,
They wander unseen, unmarked in their van.
They smile a corrupt smile inside,
And watch as this corrupt nation resides.
Joy is brought to their corrupt, empty soul,
While the reaper begins to take its toll.

On this most corrupt day, we hurt as one,
For the victims of that son of a gun.
We will forever hate that corrupt man,
For taking lives, again and again.

Even though you remain hidden so well,
Don’t get to cocky or you’ll go to hell.
For that’s what you’ll call that dark corrupt place,
While we call it jail, you’ll want to bring mace.

You will pay for this corrupt explosion,
Or we’ll try to right your very wrong notion.
On this corrupt day, we’ll start to pray,
For your corrupt soul to be put away. 


This Most Perfect Hill by Lisa Jarnot

On this most perfect hill
with these most perfect dogs
are these most perfect people
and this most perfect fog
In this most perfect fog
that is the middle of the sea
inside the perfect middle of
the things inside that swing
In this most perfect rhyme
that takes up what it sees,
with perfect shelter from the
rain as perfect as can be,
In this most perfect day
at the apex of the sun
runs this most perfect
frog song that is roiling
from the mud
In these most perfect habits
of the waving of the trees,
through this imperfect language
rides a perfect brilliancy.

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