Monday, June 3, 2013

Borrowed Finish, Stolen Start by Alyssa Abell

I don't love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz.
I don't love you at all.
A feat, considering how loving I am,
you wouldn't know.
You lost a chance to see me bloom,
trashed it for your sins.
I don't miss you at all, I have my family.
I have more than you could guess or give.
It's you who has nothing,
no, don't think I let you ruin me.
I've grown amazing and you'll never see.
You won't see my family, fiance, siblings, or mom.
You won't see their beauty.
Nor mine, you won't see how I've changed,
you lost the right.
You can worry that we're broken,
that we hate you.
But you'll never know that we grew, tall and strong,
Mom's garden, tended well.
We looked out for each other like you never would,
I hope you know you failed.
You can just move on,
'cause I'll never let you apologize to me.
You don't deserve the relief,
to know that grew up beautiful, strong, smart.
To see my family, including my lover,
flourishing, glowing, healthy, blossomed, and happy
in the universal sun.

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