Sunday, April 7, 2013

Wilting- by Heidi Curtis

Wilting - By Heidi Curtis

I'm thinking how a flower must feel
growing in the sun: beautiful, supple
In her beauty lies strength, life, oxygen

She stands firm and tall. She's the first that's picked
Her roots are torn from the place they had been

She is manipulated and pruned
so that she may fir in with the others
The final arrangement is beautiful
She finally looks the best she's ever looked

Yet hidden under the white posies
The are is becoming still and stagnant
As a man circles by dressed all in dark

He waits to take her with her final breath
Begging, but her beauty means nothing now
Her last breath will come. The dark man will win

Inevitably he will come for me too

I'm older now so he'll win with me soon
My substance is draining slowly from me
My petals are drooping and wrinkling

He'll come to collect me. Where will we go?
Will I got to a beautiful garden?
A place I can sink my roots in and grow?
Or will I go to a place full of snow?

Will the end hurt? It's not too far now
I don't know what I really have to show

Will I wait at heavenly gates somewhere?
Or is eternity just a figment?

All around me things begin to slow down

I'll find out the answers to my questions

I'm walking with the man in dark clothing...


The poem above was an imitation of Echo by Pura Lopez-Colome


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