Thursday, April 4, 2013

When They Are Near By Kayla Hall

The Aunts

I like it when they get together
and talk in voices that sound
like apple trees and grape vines,

and some of them wear hats
and go to Arizona in the winter,
and they all like to play cards.

They will always be the ones
who say “It is time to go now,”
even as we linger at the door,

or stand by the waiting cars, they
remember someone—an uncle we
never knew—and sigh, all

of them together, like wind
in the oak trees behind the farm
where they grew up—a place

I remember—especially
the hen house and the soft
clucking that filled the sunlit yard.
When They Are Near
 By Kayla Hall
They don’t sound like apple trees or grape vines
they are not that quiet when they gather;
waves crashing into each other that's them.

Their voices carry off to the distance
so even those who are involved in their
own personal lives can hear the words preached.

I remember blaming my genetics
for being obnoxiously boisterous
as if my aunts dictate my vocal chords.

Some of them adore the blistering sun
and stretch beneath it like a sleeping cat,
and they all like to watch their children play.

There will always be the ones that greets us
at the door and take our coats, then there are
the ones that greet us by a muffled yell

though a thick door telling us it's open.
They are the ones that always arrive late
no matter  how late in the day it is.

They light up the sky out shining the sun,
you can feel and see their warmth and kindness.
Even when the day is done and they leave

I find sand placed in my clothing and hair
and the sand gets washed away a clean slate,
but I still find that sand even right now.

I guess that's the whole point though, of the sand
whether you want it or not it is yours.
Even if I never went to the beach

I would find that sand placed in my clothing.
It's nearly impossible to avoid
but why would you want to be without it.

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