Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Break by Kimberly Coverly

Spring Break by Kimberly Coverly

Coming home, after months of being away,
Back to a place which I have known so long
Back to you, the one who has been with me
For three years now, yet not knowing you at all.

After long days spent together in solitude,
After laughter, tears, goodbyes, and hellos,
After silliness, endless nights, serious talks,
After all of this, I realize, I don’t know the new you.

Coming home, after months of being apart,
I see you, walking towards me, your signature waltz
My breath escapes me; a glimmer appears on my brow,
Heart thumping against my chest, trying to break free.

You smile, wrap your fingers around mine,
Pull me closer, like a child embracing a stuffed animal,
Your arms around me, I forgot how miraculous
It feels to become one with you, here, now.
This is it, I know that in this instant we are connected,
If only we could freeze this moment and stay here forever.  

Coming home, after such prolonged separation,
We spent a week devoted to each other
Your lips, soft against my cheek, your hand
On the small of my back, tenderness, affection

Your soft breath as you whisper sweet nothings
Into my awaiting ears, like a melody of warmth
I would listen to your music to infinity and beyond
I will be yours endlessly, if you will let me.

Coming home, one week was all we had, and then,
I had to say farewell. It was the hardest part of it all
But you will wait for me, I know you will
Because I know you so well, even still. 


Late Spring - W.S. Merwin

Coming into the high room again after years
after oceans and shadows of hills and the sounds of lies
after losses and feet on stairs

after looking and mistakes and forgetting
turning there thinking to find
no one except those I knew
finally I saw you
sitting in white
already waiting

you of whom I had heard
with my own ears since the beginning
for whom more than once
I had opened the door
believing you were not far

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