Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Day my Music was Born

The Day My Music was Born

By Heidi Curtis

It all started with a choir classroom,

nestled in its womb I would develop.

The pieces come together note by note

then they grow and expand just like bones do.

Hearing, making the sounds of creation

Our delivery room was in New York

A little place they call Carnegie Hall.

A week before I am due we travel.

Safe at our destination we practice,

The sopranos are wailing their high notes

While altos sing words of encouragement

Tenors sing full of anticipation

And the bass buzz a steady low humming

Mother, Nurse, Father, machines are present

The doctor front and center conducting.

After the week is over it is time.

I am now ready for delivery

I step into the hall and find the stage

I breach from the darkness into the light

Seeing for the first time a brand new world

I begin to sing songs of creation

songs of hope; and songs of new beginnings

The hall fills with our music and passion.

All eyes on us, we are invincible

As our music comes to an end they stand,

hearing our music as a precious gift.

Mother, Nurse, Father, Machines take a bow

applause now fills the room for the doctor

Without him, I would have never been born.

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