Friday, April 5, 2013

Our Favorite Song by Amber Rose

I was walking home through the park one day
As the sun found my face so did the rain
The flowers blossoming from head to toe
I decide to sit here and take a rest
Thunder roars and lightning beams above the tree

A young man turned from a corner singing 
His voice danced inside my head while I watch
He rounds the corner his voice disappears
The frogs in the meadow began to cry
The sun had gone to bed where had time went

Flowers closed beside me they are dreaming
Dreaming of being as tall as the clouds
Pedals soft that soar in the summer wind
They dream of being the most vibrant plants
Attracting the biggest bees to spread joy

The grass dreams of thickness and dark green sprouts
Trees hope for strong branches for kids to play
Field mice running for food fast in their sleep
While birds spread their wings and soar through the night
Little bugs they catch will not dream tonight

I open my eyes and pass the meadow
Rounding the corner joining him in song
He looks at me and smiles as we walk home
Handing me a letter as we drift ways
I lay down on my bed and start to read

"Sometimes it feels even when no one is
Someone, something watching and listening
We think no one saw nor heard or was there
But I heard the flowers dream of blossoms
So grow little flower and fight for the bees"


THE SINGING by C. K. Williams

I was walking home down a hill near our house
on a balmy afternoon
under the blossoms
Of the pear trees that go flamboyantly mad here 
every spring with
their burgeoning forth

When a young man turned in from a corner singing 
no it was more of
a cadenced shouting
Most of which I couldn't catch I thought because 
the young man was
black speaking black

It didn't matter I could tell he was making his 
song up which pleased 
me he was nice-looking
Husky dressed in some style of big pants obviously 
full of himself
hence his lyrical flowing over

We went along in the same direction then he noticed 
me there almost
beside him and "Big"
He shouted-sang "Big" and I thought how droll 
to have my height
incorporated in his song

So I smiled but the face of the young man showed nothing
he looked
in fact pointedly away
And his song changed "I'm not a nice person"
he chanted "I'm not
I'm not a nice person"

No menace was meant I gathered no particular threat
but he did want
to be certain I knew
That if my smile implied I conceived of anything like concord
between us I should forget it

That's all nothing else happened his song became
indecipherable to
me again he arrived
Where he was going a house where a girl in braids 
waited for him on
the porch that was all

No one saw no one heard all the unasked and
unanswered questions
were left where they were
It occurred to me to sing back "I'm not a nice 
person either" but I
couldn't come up with a tune

Besides I wouldn't have meant it nor he have believed
it both of us
knew just where we were
In the duet we composed the equation we made 
the conventions to
which we were condemned

Sometimes it feels even when no one is there that
someone something
is watching and listening
Someone to rectify redo remake this time again though 
no one saw nor
heard no one was there

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