Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Experience By: Kilee De La Cruz

 The cold crisp air on an Oregon morning
Pricked my skin like a cactus pricks you
Stabbed its way through the thin layer of skin
Putting a pin hole through the vein, opening it up to bacteria
Little micros to germs fight their way in to only battle the white soldiers,
The ones that protect those evil invaders from causing sickness.
This was the day I moved into McNary Hall.

The chatter of parents and children, excited for the New Year.
The new experiences, the possibility to grow as a person.
I looked over my shoulder and there was no one
For my parents weren’t here to share in this new stage of life
I left them in Arizona. It wasn’t the place I needed to stay
The hot days and nights, the fights, the yells
It was my time to go. To forever leave it be hide, not looking back
I packed my stuff and drove till I reached the circus
It was time to move forward across the tightrope,
The future everyone was talking about.

The trek to my room or home was like walking through the desert
With each step that was taken was like another 10 more was needed
It stretches on and on. Wanting its victims to get lost
Images danced before your eyes, tricking you into thinking that you have found salvation.
Salvation was never an option. It was just you against the desert
Slowly letting it drain anything and everything from your body.
But I finally made it to the end. At that moment everything was in reach

My roommate was the first person in meet in the dorms
She was very different then the type of people I knew before
She was loud, obnoxious, and had no idea when to shut up
Every time she talked I thought of coyotes
Sleeping away the day and to never make a sound
Then at night the howls rang through the air
Keeping you up at night with the mindless howls calling to no one
She was so fierce but never had a chance

 All through out the day, people came and go
Some looked back and others left their worlds be hide
For we weren't little children anymore
Now was my time to find my place in the world
Forget the troubles and the past, I was on my way towards the future
Building experiences for tomorrow.

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