Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Case studies in the cultural and political uses of popular music poem 
By: Lauren Jernberg

In the dead of night evil chants are said
To summon the spirits of gang members.
The chanting voices have the sound of a
Person wrapped in velvet yearning to be
Free. The village down below has a veil
Over their eyes. They did not see the seed
That was planted long ago and what it
Now will cost them. The past does not leave you
No matter how hard you try to wash it
Away it lingers with you to the grave.
And even if it’s from yesterday the
Stench of rot is here to stay like being
Sick on a cold winters night. Roped in by
Secrets of a new age they send their young
To fend the raid. The children want to take
A peak from their nest up in the trees. They
Bet cents on who will win but all still hope
That in the end the gang will lose to us.
The young press on against the undead and
Hope that they, will in the end, go back home
And go to bed. Children peep out behind
Their windows to enrich themselves in what
Is going on. When all is said and done
The village found that they had won.
The victors of this fight were given great
Big jars of spice. Then someone get a
Microphone and says, ‘Thanks to all who fought
For us you saved us and we won’t
Forget the heroism you have lent.
Some of you gave your lives and we thank you.’

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