Friday, April 12, 2013

Bracelet By Ellyssa Pearce

Bound by a deeper meaning by hand
Colors chosen with a shallow intent
Flat against my skin as a reminder
Woven like a hundred hugs, a sisters bond
It’s a thank you and a promise I keep
A trust from her that I will hold it safe
The knots connect a great distance of need
Sadness is why she has made this gift
I had to leave her to self-discover
She is not like me in ways she wishes
But she has much that could not possess
Two sides of a coin, two different faces
I like to look at the color pattern
Her hands made it with determination
Everything has to be done with quickness
Diagonal thought process strikes the thread
Dyed with deep colors of a flower once bought
Together on an adventure once taken
Red, blue, yellow, green, and violet petals
Now strewn across a connection of me
The place of which I can hold her hand
So I can feel the protection she wants
And pass it on to her so she can see
She is not alone for she thought she was
She has tied us together in this way
With colors and the thought process woven
The knots lock a sense of a strong handshake
Like her fingers grabbing my wrist tight
And me letting her, pleading her, not to let go.

My Shoes


Shoes, secret face of my inner life:   
Two gaping toothless mouths,
Two partly decomposed animal skins   
Smelling of mice nests.

My brother and sister who died at birth   
Continuing their existence in you,
Guiding my life
Toward their incomprehensible innocence.

What use are books to me
When in you it is possible to read   
The Gospel of my life on earth
And still beyond, of things to come?

I want to proclaim the religion
I have devised for your perfect humility   
And the strange church I am building   
With you as the altar.

Ascetic and maternal, you endure:
Kin to oxen, to Saints, to condemned men,   
With your mute patience, forming
The only true likeness of myself.

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