Monday, June 3, 2013

Like Childhood Friends We Meet by Kathleen Fellows

Like childhood friends we meet
in your cage and you still see
that I am capable of being sweet.
That will still matter when you’re free.

But you’re not what I’m looking for.
I need someone younger for him,
I need something more.
I will not go out on a limb.

I suppose I could go around
the adults one more time.
They might stay in this pound
and you call to me like a chime.

I can’t stand that your paw sticks out
and begs me come closer to you.
You’re an adult and shouldn’t pout
but I can’t leave without your mew.

Like Brothers We Meet by George Moses Horton

Dedicated to the Federal and Late Confederate Soldiers

Like heart-loving brothers we meet,
    And still the loud thunders of strife,
The blaze of fraternity kindles most sweet,
    There’s nothing more pleasing in life.

The black cloud of faction retreats,
    The poor is no longer depressed,
See those once discarded resuming their seats,
    The lost strangers soon will find rest.

The soldier no longer shall roam,
    But soon shall land safely ashore,
Each soon will arrive at his own native home,
    And struggle in warfare no more.

The union of brothers is sweet,
    Whose wives and children do come,
Their sons and fair daughters with pleasure they greet,
    When long absent fathers come home.

They never shall languish again,
    Nor discord their union shall break,
When brothers no longer lament and complain,
    Hence never each other forsake.

Hang closely together like friends,
    By peace killing foes never driven,
The storm of commotion eternally ends,
    And earth will soon turn into Heaven.

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