Sunday, June 2, 2013

Discrimination By: Mylilnh Nguyen

By: Mylilnh Nguyen

They are waiting for you,
just because you are different
Your marked for life
get out, you better hurry,
before they take you and your kids.
Don’t make a sound
or they’ll find you and your family.
Hiding in the cold
to keep them all close.
They are waiting for you
better get out while you have the chance.
You might have a better chance over the fence,
you never know what might happen when you disowned,
and left in the cold,
buying illegal rations to feed your own.
Lying in the street trying not to be found,
don’t let them catch you,
or they’ll have your head. 
Poem of the Day: Discrimination

by Kenneth Rexroth

I don't mind the human race.
I've got pretty used to them 
In these past twenty-five years. 
I don't mind if they sit next 
To me on streetcars, or eat 
In the same restaurants, if 
It's not at the same table. 
However, I don't approve 
Of a woman I respect 
Dancing with one of them. I've 
Tried asking them to my home 
Without success. I shouldn't 
Care to see my own sister 
Marry one. Even if she 
Loved him, think of the children. 
Their art is interesting, 
But certainly barbarous. 
I'm sure, if given a chance, 
They'd kill us all in our beds. 
And you must admit, they smell.

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