Saturday, April 13, 2013

What I Don't See by Connor Kaplan


What I Don’t See By Connor Kaplan

The golden coast and all of it beauty.
Miles of coastline that change every
 time you turn the corner on a cliff wall.
Perfect, soft sand cascading on the beach.
The green hills dancing to the song of breezes.
Where it is always sunny even when it rains.
People who have it all. People with white smiles.
A place where artists, actors, and music
makers can go to and become a star.

What is a star anyways? A light ball?
The creator of life and destruction?
The object that commands us to wake up?
One of billions upon trillions?

This is what the people see their eyes.

What I see is different, I see the truth.
The beaches covered in trash and seaweed.
Beaches with rocks and driftwood creating
a dangerous but awesome place to surf.
The white sands littered with birds and people
all fighting for a spot to relax on.
The city has a brown cloud over it,
created by the millions of cars
forever driving in circles just to
do the bidding of their masters wishes.
The hills are only green to the wealthy,
everywhere else the brush is yellow,
causing fires that eat away at the
cities skin. The winters are just as harsh.
The oceans breath sweeps through the great valley
like a hurricane over Florida.
It does not rain often but when it does  
the streets flood carrying the land with it.
The rest is a desert with sand made of
 concrete, metal, and nutrientless  dirt.
The people are hard working are not
famous like the world believes we are.

This is what I see through the smog and lies.


What Did You See?

For Peter S.
I saw the shrouds of prisoners
like baptismal gowns
buried outside the cemetery.

On the canvas frills exhaled
singed wool and cardboard.

The angels arrived as lace.

Took notes, then stuck. Awful residue
from a small cut.


The veil has been ripped from the skin
where it was burned in.

The skin is the veil, the baby-material,
imprinted on, as if
one dropped the handkerchief
and it was one’s wrist.

The cuff is frightening.  
Stuffed onto oil.
Water-stains might fence its ghost in.


“The barbed wire complex”
I understand.  
Winged and flattened
at the same time, poor things!

Some leftover specters of blood.

Remember Blake’s figures like columns
with heads

looking around for God?
When events are not as random
as they seem.


The article of clothing
is only half there, it’s not full,
but when it falls forward, it is.

Terrible emptiness of the spread
neckline and little sleeve.
Half-cooked squares.

Was this religious fire
and is this where it passed?

Maybe they are floating on water
of paint, pool-sized,
blue and ridged like foam.

You would have to fly
to see them flat as a map.

The rib and hem. Rained on
for eons. Noah’s children’s
floating forms.


Angels die?
It’s a frightening-miracle
because here they are.
The Upper God

has let them drop
like centuries into space.

And I recognize them!

1 comment:

  1. I really like this poem, awesome job explaining what people think it is like, the stereotypical opinion of this place. I love the transition to the more gritty details, the truth, what you believe this area is like. The description creates a clear image, great detail! good job
