Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Pope by Dan-Vy Nguyen

The Pope by Dan-Vy Nguyen

The French have not been oppressed by the Pope.
Despite what the rest of the world things,
The Pope is a decent man and poet.
Society things the worst of this man.
They think he smokes ganja and like vile hens,
That he eats pie and drinks gin every day,
That he sleeps in graveyards and is quite lame,
That he nags and does not use any soap.

They think he is ridiculously old,
Like he was alive when the stars were formed,
Existing and living with dinosaurs,
Surviving with cavemen and cavewomen,
Hunting like animals in the forest,
Eating sticky stems and leaves off round trees,
That he must have lived through every post-war,
And still keeps a dose of jam in a jar.

People think all of this just because he
Is the new leader in the Vatican.

As he stepped out onto that balcony
Appearing in full dress with the rad crest,
The sound system played such soft pipe music.
His descent from the balcony with such
Grace and pose that was made to look easy.
The sum of people booing was so loud
That it left a dent on a grey stone wall.
People tried to run away from the Pope
Because they think he is not up to par
That he will really miserably fail
To lead the Roman Catholic Church
With that ugly and oh so hairy chin.

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