Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Most Perfect Home by Jimmy Chen

The Most Perfect Home by Jimmy Chen

In this most perfect home
with these most perfect decorations
are these most perfect family members
and the most perfect rooms

In these most perfect rooms
that this perfect family sleeps
inside where privacy exists
and nice things are kept

In this most perfect living room
that bonding time is shared
on the most perfect furniture
where comfort is for certain

In those perfect cars
that come from many origins
over many seas and landscapes
are perfect seats for my perfect family

Poem of the Day: This Most Perfect Hill By Lisa Jarnot

Posted: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 00:00:00 -0600
On this most perfect hill
with these most perfect dogs
are these most perfect people
and this most perfect fog
In this most perfect fog
that is the middle of the sea
inside the perfect middle of
the things inside that swing
In this most perfect rhyme
that takes up what it sees,
with perfect shelter from the
rain as perfect as can be,
In this most perfect day
at the apex of the sun
runs this most perfect
frog song that is roiling
from the mud
In these most perfect habits
of the waving of the trees,
through this imperfect language
rides a perfect brilliancy.

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