Sunday, April 14, 2013

The close call by Amber Rose

A friend calls, so I ask him to stop by.   
We sit on the couch and talk about life.
Lost in conversation as time flies by
The sun finally sets it’s time to leave
Gathering my things surprised by a kiss
Forgetting to breath I pull away quick

Confused by his gesture clearing my head
What the hell just happened you’re my best friend
Angry by his impulse yet wanting more
Like a dessert stuck in a big snow storm
Blinking past the memories as I cry
Awaken by reality so fast

This could ruin everything why god why
Without thought my hand stings across his cheek  
Running out of the restaurant he follows
Heart races I scream out profanity
But he pulls me close and I start to weep

Why is this so comforting don’t let go
So warm and safe I don’t want him to leave
No one moves no one talks as we stand still
Only when the rain begins to soak us
We move into my car close in the dark
Talking and laughing and wondering why

Finding my reaction humorous now
He gets brave and decides to try again
This time he pulls me in and won’t let go
At first I fight and try to pull away
As his lips hold mine I start to relax

Looking back today it’s hard to believe
I almost ran from the boy I just wed
The Good News

                       A friend calls, so I ask him to stop by.   
We sip old Scotch, the good stuff, order in,
some Indian—no frills too fine for him
or me, particularly since it's been
                                       ages since we made the time.

                      Two drinks in, we've caught up on our plans.
I've sleepwalked through the last few years by rote;
he's had a nasty rough patch, quote unquote,
on the home front. So, we commiserate,
                                       cupping our lowballs in our hands.   

                        It's great to see him, good to have a friend
who feels the same as you about his lot—
that, while some grass is greener, your small plot
is crudely arable, and though you're not
                                       so young, it's still not quite the end.   

                      As if remembering then, he spills his news.
Though I was pretty lit, I swear it's true,
it was as if a gold glow filled the room
and shone on him, a sun-shaft piercing through
                                       dense clouds, behind which swept long views.

                      In that rich light, he looked not like my friend
but some acquaintance brushed by on the train.
Had his good fortune kept me from the same,
I had to wonder, a zero-sum game
                                       that gave the night its early end?

                      Nothing strange. Our drinks were done, that's all.
We haven't spoken since. By morning, I
couldn't remember half of what the guy
had said, just his good news, my slurred goodbye,
                                       the click of the latch, the quiet hall.

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