Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Aunts by Dan-Vy Nguyen

The Aunts by Dan-Vy Nguyen

I don’t like it when they get together,
Their excitement like children getting gifts,
As a wide smile spreads across their faces,
In anticipation for what’s inside
That extremely large box wrapped in paper,
Asking for it to be ripped off quickly,
In hopes of finding a new toy inside.

They let out their squeals and exclamations,
For it is a rare occasion for them
To all be at the same place and same time,
For they live in different hemispheres.

It’s the first time the ants have seen the kids
Since the last time they came eight years ago.
All they want to do is hug and kiss them
As the kids try to pull away wincing.

They aunts feed the kids again and again,
Even though they cannot eat any more.
When the kids say they’re full or not hungry,
The aunts immediately assume that
The kids are dieting for some reason.

The aunts grew up during a time and place,
Where parents could not provide every need,
Struggling to put food on the table.
The kids hear these stories all of the time
And get tired of the repetition.
Though when the time comes when they are gown up,
They will eventually appreciate
The culture and heritage passed down
Because not many of their peers have them.
I am thankful the aunts got together.

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