Friday, April 5, 2013

A New Day by Kimberly Stutevoss

A New Day: Kimberly Stutevoss

A current runs through the grassy green hill
Looking onto the red strawberry fields
And the mossy boulders that lay behind
While the sun is rising on the east side
The air is brisk filled with fresh morning dew

With the first rays of sun the roosters go
Cock a doodle doo and the voices start
They are hushed and whispering to the kids
Saying, “it’s time to wake up, hunny, please”
As they get up the voices get louder

They start their day with talks of past dreams
The ones they had last night during their long sleep
They saw rivers of faces down hallways
Merging together and meshing desires
With clothes and bodies all floating around

But the day has started and it is clear
That today is a new day just starting
While the white puffy clouds in the sky part
Showing the crystal blue sky up above
And the geese that are flying in the V

The day is new and beautiful with all
Of the nature that surrounds the valley
The families have started their routines
Now working out on the farms and cleaning
It goes like this all day till it’s over

A current runs through the grassy green hill
Looking onto the red strawberry fields
And the mossy boulders that lay behind
While the sun is falling on the west side
The air is cool with the stars shining down

Over Greenland

A current like a noise machine through sleep.
Blue lichen fields. Mossed boulders. Waking up
to ice cubes cracking in a plastic cup

and voices (“awesome for the Hong Kong branch
. . . well, most of all we miss our daughter . . . ”) I still
see it: the climb up slate as runnels spill

from some bare misted summit like a source.
Whatever sense this dream might make
to others. And whatever when they wake

they also have been dreaming. Rivers of faces
down hallways, merging, as desires mesh
and fissure. Cash for clothes or arms or flesh.

And if there is no towering sublime
where all comes clear to all, no final climb
through cloud, like some old Bible illustration:

how could that ever stop the current flowing
out of the glass at JFK: skin glowing
plumb and peach as we walk inside the sun.

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