Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Little While by Dan-Vy Nguyen

A Little While by Dan-Vy Nguyen

I was seventeen when my life was changed.
I received new I never thought I would.
How long was that tumor inside growing?
I couldn't help ask God, “why did you choose me”
As they were pushing me to surgery.
I prayed that the doctors would be able
To remove that dark, life draining killer.
I wish I could see my mom’s face again,
To feel the warmth and love with arms wrapped tight.
Let hope remain here for a little while.

One year later he does not look the same
As the way he did the first day we met.
He went from having a thin and toned frame
To a face I could hardly recognize
From the weight gain from chemotherapy.
The doctor said he was in remission.
I had hoped with all my heart this was true.
I do not know if I could have let him go
For I was not ready to let him go.
Let him remain here for a little while.

He was doing so well six months ago.
Why did that tumor start growing again?
Why did those tumors have to spread so much?
Why did they have to touch his spinal cord?
I never thought I’d be living past him.
In these last few moments I have with him,
I saw that smile that I knew so well.
The same one I saw eighteen years ago.
He took a breath as I whispered to him,
“I’ll see you again in a little while”


Soon, O Ianthe! Life is O'er by Walter Savage Landor

Soon, O Ianthe! life is o’er,
         And sooner beauty’s heavenly smile:
Grant only (and I ask no more),
         Let love remain that little while.

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