Tuesday, April 9, 2013

OSU Edition by Kathleen Fellows

OSU Edition by Kathleen Fellows

This strange thing must have crept right out of hell
It resembles an ordinary book
Straight from the book store where the rest remain
Only this one cannot be found online
Nor can it be sold there for any cash

“This version is trimmed,” They always say
“It has less so you can pay less,” They say
But they are only convincing demons
Threatening with withheld information
Ultimately working for the devil

If you summon the coins necessary
If you can begin to gather enough
You certainly will not be rewarded

The pages will feel like a fragile tongue
A dry cat tongue that soaks all of the wet
Out of your hands and makes it vanish
Because it does not go into the page
The pages become more yet stiff and rough

At first, the delicate paper makes you
Hesitant to touch and turn those pages
Then you remember you cannot sell it

Still the book is cursed, “Why is this here?”
You may ask, or, “How did it get to earth?”
It did travel a long ways to get here
To the surface and to a school of kids

Perhaps a moment should be taken to
Appreciate its amazing efforts
And supernatural accomplishment
Of arriving all the way here just to
Force poor individuals to pay up


Fork by Charles Simic

This strange thing must have crept   
Right out of hell.
It resembles a bird’s foot
Worn around the cannibal’s neck.

As you hold it in your hand,
As you stab with it into a piece of meat,
It is possible to imagine the rest of the bird:   
Its head which like your fist
Is large, bald, beakless, and blind.

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